Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dena in Korea Posted by Hello


FishHead said...

This is great!! does Dena know how much fun blogging is? you can create your own little haven of free speech. Exercise those rights people! imagine, the franchise, press, and religion all in the same week--that doesn't happen all the time. plus some of you might be assembling w/ others, bearing arms, chosing a jury trial in your next criminal indictment while not incriminating yourself. this could be civil liberties week. but wait, we elected Bush again, so now, we have to deal with tremendous oppression and restrictions. I'm feeling impinged upon already....ach! somebody help!

Rachel said...

I invited her to blog, we'll see. haha on the Bush comment!

FishHead said...

Alot of people will be glad to see John Ashcroft (AKA the Civil Liberties Depriver) go (if he does in fact resign). the front pages were predicting that he'd be the first to turn in the traditional resignation as a cabinet member. Cabinet members serve "at the pleasure of the president." quite obviously not at the pleasure of popular sentiment. Who will be the successor to The Depriver? Giulliani? Hatch? some other right wing "facist"? Which federal "rights" will be the new favorites to oppress? gay marriage? commercial pornography? Only Bushie knows the answer to these telling questions. tune in next time for another edition of Civil Liberties at Stake tomorrow at 12 noon PST.

Rachel said...
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