Saturday, September 23, 2006

Grad School Update.... Part 2

Well hello, hello. Sorry I have not posted in a very very VERY long time. I feel like you are all aware of everything going on in my life, but not having this up-to-date really bothers me, so as usual, I will be posting a lot to make up for it! As you all know by now, I got into graduate school at SPU. I also was very lucky to get my class schedule all approved and am taking some things out of sequence in order to be able to play in my matches on Thursday nights(I was supposed to have a mandatory intro class that night)! Anyway, this is all very exciting and I'm thrilled that everything is working out how I planned.

On another very exciting note, in two years I will have earned my MS in ISM (Information Systems Management), the cool thing I have discovered is that if I go to school one more year after that and take three classes a quarter, I can also recieve my MBA. Which, of course, I'm now planning on doing because education is pretty neat-o and you all know I'd love to go to school as a career. Anyway, it would really give me a lot of options in life and more education is always a plus! :) Of course, this all depends upon my life at that time, I mean, shoot, if there's no hubby in the future at that point, I might as well continue to avoid joining the work force for one more year!! haha. Welp, that's it. Hope you feel well informed now on my education and life goals.

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