Monday, January 09, 2006

This of course is after the most famous quote of all time after recieving a Christmas gift. First of all, Elizabeth immediately jumped out of her chair to give her Auntie Rachel (pronounced Rashol) a hug when she saw it was Polly Pocket. Which, as we all know, is very rare. Most of the time you have to ask the kids at least three times to give their present giver a hug. Anyway, continuing on... Uncle Troy asks her if she's excited about her present (I actually can't remember what he asked her, to be honest) and she remarks (very excitedly, I might add) "I've been waiting for this for years!" Who would have thought this four year old has been waiting to get Polly Pocket since age two or before! It amazes me how cute kids can be. That was one of my highlights of all winter break. :)


fijigirl said...

You need to post the video clip, actually I think Troy has it on his camera?

FishHead said...

this video must be posted immediately. it's an undeniable atrocity that anyone would even consider not posting that video. It is the cutest and can be done rather simply on google video. Be patient, it takes a couple of days to get it up, but just go back, copy the link and post it up. It is one of the all time best christmas morning moments.

Rachel said...

Tell Troy, he's the one who took the video! I want it too!!