Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Where'd the rest of the ball go?

I like this picture. Just thought I'd share it. :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

If I had money, I'd buy his stock too

Read this. It may take 20 minutes, but it's pretty inspiring... at least I thought so.

Monday, October 16, 2006


So I talked to some people today and I think I want to do the MA in teaching. It starts in the summer with 11 credits and then you are full-time every day M-F 9-4 from September to June with one class a night per week from 4:30-9pm. Intense. I'm so excited. I'll have to update you if this is really possible, but I'm gonna make it work. In the meantime, I will keep you updated on what I'm going to do for school to stay eligible for volleyball.

If I can get financial aid as a post-bac student, I will just take music and singing and piano classes for winter and spring quarters. If I don't get financial aid, I will just continue to go to grad school, take only business classes (avoiding IT if at all possible) and then be done with it come summer. The reason I would still take grad courses opposed to the undergrad fun ones as a post-bac is because undergrad is actually over twice as much dough than grad school. My vball scholarship covers full-time grad school, but it wouldn't even cover half of post-bac if I don't get any financial aid.

So there you go. I'm attending an open house for the MAT grad program tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm so happy with these decisions. Thanks for the support! :)

Life Changes

When you don't like what you're doing, change it. Simple statement. So, that's what I'm doing. Today I have an appointment to go talk to the advisor in the education department. I'll let you know how it goes. I want to be a teacher. I'm thinking elementary, but I'm torn because I want to be able to coach in the future and I'm not sure if I could do that as easily as if I had decided to teach high school. Well, so there you have it. I don't like computers, I don't like IT. I do not care about it, and thus, I'm out. No more grad school. I want to work with kids and teach them. I want to affect positive change in their lives. Nuf said.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Action Shots

Here are some great action shots. This guy is a friend of one of our assistant coaches, Johnny. There are three albums right now near the top. Enjoy!! :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Pictures from Sat. nights match


Player of the Week

Hello all, I got player of the week for last week! Yay. :) You can keep track of stuff for my volleyball team on the gnac website. You click on "Players of the Week" which is usually updated on Mondays. Click on volleyball and you can see the categorical stat leaders by clicking either "overall statistics leaders" or "conference-only stat leaders". Enjoy!

Vball bios

Hey, hey, my gross picture from last year was changed! Check out our bios!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pretty stuff

Akaka Falls

Akaka Falls

When we got lost

Astronomy Picture of the Day

I like to look at this as often as I can, as a new picture is posted daily, but I just thought I would share it with those of you who haven't seen it. Some of the pictures aren't as exciting as the others, but I like the perspective and I am often in awe.

Wold On Fire

This is just about the most amazing production I have ever seen. And yes, if you know me at all you know that I would, I cried.

Hawaii pics - the arrival