Monday, November 07, 2011

Does anyone read this?

This is a test... how many comments can I get? Am I on anyone's feeds still? My last post was well over 2 years ago... should I start this up again? I'm not really a good blogger... maybe I should try? What do you think? Is anyone out there?! :) Let me know.
Yours Truly


Heidi and Nathan said...

Nathan and I might be the only ones but we certainly read it before you left... not so much after since there hasn't been any postings.

whit said...

You are on my reader baby!

Keilah Palmer said...

Whoa! A post from Rachel? You're on my feed.

Love you!!

FishHead said...

why would you want to revive this? you already do google plus and facebook. why not do something fun with your freetime, like say, posting youtube videos teaching kindergartners how to speak in spanish...or eating french fries. I wish I had some fries right now....