Wednesday, May 30, 2007

New Job - woot woot!

So I got offered a job at Seattle Prep today and accepted it. I will be an Administrative Assistant starting September 3. I'm very excited for this opportunity and experience (not to mention making a lot more money than I ever have before!!).

[It is full time but it is unknown how long the position will last (as far as the duration in months goes... at least through February). This is because I'm filling in while the woman who usually works there goes through treatment for breast cancer.]


fijigirl said...

Supah Stah!^^ Seriously I wish I was there so we could have a "Here's lookin at you kid" cheesecake in memorandum of your vast mobility up the ladder of success! Onward an upward!!!

FishHead said...

how are you going to work at this job full time, play volleyball and start your master's degree in teaching? I must be underestimating your abilities somehow (not something I normally do, mind you). I just hope that ladies breast cancer isn't contagious or anything.

FishHead said...


Rachel said...

Welp, I guess you just don't realize that's what I've basically been doing for the past month now (Working full time (between 3 jobs), going to school full time, playing volleyball, and of course having a social life). Granted, I'll be "in season" but it's very doable. I'll really just cut out a big chunk of my social life, no biggie... my hunny isn't going to be around anyway. :( Shane, I'm a rock star, didn't you know? ;)

p.s. is it really weird to everyone that I say "hunny" (totally NOT a word) instead of "honey"... cause I just found out like a month ago that I apparently am the only crazy out there that thought hunny was just how you spelled it when it was a nickname for your significant other. I was almost embarrassed because I truly just thought that's the way it was... little did I know, I was the only one in that boat!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

You're the bomb. Way to multi-task to the 10th power!!!

whit said...

Congrats Rachel! Good luck with everything that is on your plate. About the hunny. You can spell it however you want. 1. It is your blog, and 2. It is your nickname (not that you made it up, but that you use it). I always make up words, and I don't even know how to spell them. We are excited to see you here very soon!

whit said...

Hey Rachel, it was fun to have you last week! Wish you could have stayed longer. Don't forget to do your finger exercises!