Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Subbing at Seattle Prep

I was an art teacher yesterday. I taught 3 blocks. I say "taught" in the loosest sense of the word, but still. Subbing is way fun. I surprise myself, sorta. I can be a little strict. (hehe) Things like, "Silence means no talking ladies" came out of my mouth. I've also noticed, by reactions from students, that I have a pretty mean glare/stare. If I shot them a look they were definitely reacting by not talking... wa ha ha. Anyway, I administered two tests which is why I needed to be strict but what's funny is that they were really good during the test but they were supposed to have "silent study hall" afterwards, which of course is something no one really likes except for those nerdy students who actually want to get homework from other classes done (the jewels in my crown they are. just like me). :) So anyway, nothing new to report except that I had a fabulous day. Also, riding the bus was fun of course. Now I'm actually pretty mad at myself for being an idiot and never riding it before. I should never be borrowing people's cars... that's what buses are for! The only thing is that they are time consuming. I had to leave at 6 and got to work by 7:15. But that's okay. It was an adventure. PLUS, I got lots of my reading done for school, so that's nice!


fijigirl said...

Ah yes....the power of non-verbal cues! Those can really come in handy. I'm glad you had a great first day on the job! My baby sister....(sniff) she has come so far from the lil baby I would sneak in and hold because I couldn't stand to hear her cry! I'm so lucky to have such a good sister and friend.......your the bestest Rachie!!!

P.S. Still waiting on said "man" pics via t-mobile! Seriously.....PRIORITIZE....^^

whit said...

Glad you had a fun time subbing! Administering tests was the worst. I subbed in a math middle school class once, and the teacher gave a test, and I caught a girl cheating. That is why I say it is the worst. C'mon, 7th grade math. Is it really that hard that she needed to cheat! Anyway, sounds like you are loving life as a bus rider. That love will die down when you have to wait for late buses, and can still see the bus that you just barely missed. Those were the days. I imagine, though that Salem bus riding is a little different than Seattle bus riding. While my experiences were pretty bland, Fishhead has some quality stories from those days!

FishHead said...

looks like we might get a professor in the family after all. stern looks!

smilnrob said...